Analyze Publications Database

Manually-parcellated gyral data accounting for all known anatomical variability

Shadia S. Mikhael et al. Manually-parcellated gyral data accounting for all known anatomical variability. Scientific Data.

Publication Date
February 6, 2019

How Analyze was Used
“Given the limited contrast between grey matter (GM), white matter (WM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at 1.5 T, we adopted a multispectral method to enhance the raw subject volumes prior to parcellation. The method would better the anatomical accuracy without altering the intensities in the neighbourhood of the tissue boundaries. To achieve this we combined the T1-weighted and T2-weighted volume (using Analyze 12.0 software, AnalyzeDirect, Inc.)”

Manual parcellation, Gyral data, Anatomical variability

Author Affiliation(s)
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

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