Analyze Publications Database

Loss of MGAT5 is involved in the impaired osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

Xiao-Po Liu et al. Loss of MGAT5 is involved in the impaired osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells Experimental Animals.

Publication Date
April 5, 2023

How Analyze was Used
“Femur samples were scanned with Quantum GX micro-CT system (PerkinElmer, Massachusetts, USA) at a voxel size of 10 μm. Quantum and Caliper Analyze software provided with the instrument were used for scan and analysis. BMD, ratio of bone volume to total volume (BV/TV) and trabecular number (Tb.N) were calculated.”

BMP/TGF-β, N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase V (MGAT5), Wnt/β-catenin, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs), osteoporosis, ovariectomized mice

Author Affiliation(s)
The Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Hebei, China

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