Analyze Publications Database

Impact of intravenous alteplase on sub-angiographic emboli in high-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging following successful thrombectomy

Gabriel Broocks et al. Impact of intravenous alteplase on sub-angiographic emboli in high-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging following successful thrombectomy European Radiology.

Publication Date
May 8, 2021

How Analyze was Used
“DWI lesions were segmented semi-automatically with the Analyze 11.0 software package (AnalyzeDirect, Inc.) using seed-growing algorithms. Subsequently, the total PE volume in milliliters was derived automatically in Analyze using the sampling option. DSA and MRI analyses were performed independently by two readers who did not participate in the endovascular therapy.”

Stroke, Thrombectomy, Magnetic resonance imaging, Ischemia, Infarction

Author Affiliation(s)
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.