Analyze Publications Database

Effects of Scapholunate Ligament Injury and Surgical Repair on Wrist Cartilage T2 Relaxation Time

Isaac Chappell, Phil Lee, Terence E. Mciff, E. Bruce Toby, Kenneth J. Fischer. Effects of Scapholunate Ligament Injury and Surgical Repair on Wrist Cartilage T2 Relaxation Time. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research. July 10, 2017.

Publication Date
July 2017

How Analyze was Used
“Analyze 5.0 (Analyze Direct, Inc., Overland Park, KS, USA) was used to complete the co-registrations. A manually driven co-registration was first performed with the software before completing 25 automatic iterations of the automatic registration function built into the program.”

Articular cartilage, MRI, Osteoarthritis, Scapholunate dissociation, T2 relaxation time

Author Affiliation(s)
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA

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