Analyze Publications Database

Disparate effects of sclerostin deletion on alveolar bone and cellular cementum in mice

Aonjittra Phanrungsuwan et al. Disparate effects of sclerostin deletion on alveolar bone and cellular cementum in mice Journal of Periodontology.

Publication Date
July 16, 2024

How Analyze was Used
“Reconstructed DICOM files were exported and analyzed using imaging analysis software (Analyze software version 14.0, AnalyzeDirect, Overland Park, KS, USA)… Reconstructed micro-CT images were prepared in reconstruction software.§ Reconstructed TIFF files were exported and analyzed…Femurs were analyzed according to standard trabecular and cortical bone analysis using a bone threshold of 400 and 550 mg HA/cm3, respectively. The first mandibular molar and associated AB were analyzed as previously described. The mandibular AB region of interest (ROI) extended from 240 µm mesial to the first molar mesial root to 240 µm distal to the most distal point of the distal root. This ROI was selected to include the alveolar rise mesial to M1 and the interdental bone between the first molar (M1) and second molar (M2), allowing analysis of all AB surrounding the M1 root. AB and basal bone were separated as defined previously. Enamel was segmented above 1,600 mg HA/cm3, while dentin and AB were segmented at 550-1,600 mg HA/cm3. For the segmentation of CC from dentin, a median filter with kernel size 11 was applied to calibrated images. A mask of CC was segmented on molars with a density between 450 and 1,050 mg HA/cm3, as previously described. Manual corrections excluded less dense dentin surrounding the pulp chamber. The mask was loaded onto the original calibrated images and CC with a density greater than 450 mg HA/cm3 was measured under the mask. Distal and mesial mandibular first molar root lengths were measured by subtracting the location of the most apical slice of each root from the most apical slice of the enamel in the coronal view.”

Bone, Extracellular matrix, Mineralization, Periodontium, Tooth development

Author Affiliation(s)
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

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