Analyze Publications Database

Differences in GFR and Tissue Oxygenation, and Interactions between Stenotic and Contralateral Kidneys in Unilateral Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease

Sandra M.S. Herrmanna, Ahmed Saada, Alfonso Eirina, John Woollarda, Hui Tanga, Michael A. McKusickb, Sanjay Misrab, James F. Glocknerb, Lilach O. Lermana, Stephen C. Textora. Differences in GFR and Tissue Oxygenation, and Interactions between Stenotic and Contralateral Kidneys in Unilateral Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease. CJASN. January 19th, 2016.

Publication Date
January 2016

How Analyze was Used
“pigtail catheter was advanced into the right atrium for central venous injection of contrast for transit time studies using multidetector computed tomography as described previously (9). Image analysis was performed using ANALYZE (Biomedical Imaging Resource Center, Mayo”

renal artery stenosis
renal tissue oxygenation
single kidney glomerular filtration rate
renal biomarkers
renovascular hypertension

Author Affiliation(s)
a Division of Nephrology and Hypertension and
b Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

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