Analyze Publications Database

Differences in chloroplast ultrastructure of Phaeocystis antarctica in low and high light

Moisan TA, Ellisman MH, Buitenhuys CW, Sosinsky GE. Differences in chloroplast ultrastructure of Phaeocystis antarctica in low and high light. Mar Biol. September 2006;149(6):1281-1290.

Publication Date
September 2006

How Analyze was Used
“The 3D reconstruction was viewed and analyzed with ANALYZE AVW.”

Biomedicine General

Author Affiliation(s)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Island, VA, 23337, US. (TAM)

National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, Department of Neurosciences and the Center for Research on Biological Systems, University of California, La Jolla, CA, 92093-0608, US. (MHE, CWB, GES)

ID# 1978

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