Analyze Publications Database

Development of an ObLiGaRe Doxycycline Inducible Cas9 system for pre-clinical cancer drug discovery

Anders Lundin et al. Development of an ObLiGaRe Doxycycline Inducible Cas9 system for pre-clinical cancer drug discovery Nature Communications.

Publication Date
September 29, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“Tumor nodules were segmented semi-automatically using the image analysis software Analyze 12.0. Segmentation was performed as follows: (1) lung regions comprising tumor nodules were manually contoured in each slice, (2) tumor nodules in each defined region were then segmented based on histogram thresholding. Volumes of tumor nodules (in mm3) were calculated by multiplying the number of segmented voxels by the voxel volume resolution. Total tumor volume was determined by summing the nodule volumes from each slice. To better evaluate and distinguish pulmonary nodules from normal lung parenchyma, MRI images are represented with inverted grayscale.”

Cancer, Genetics, Molecular biology, Cancer drug discovery

Author Affiliation(s)
AstraZeneca, Gothenburg, Sweden

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