Analyze Publications Database

Data/image processing

Bidaut L. Data/image processing. In: Terrier F, Grossholz M, Becker CD, eds. Spiral CT of the abdomen. Berlin: Springer; 2000:13-40.

Publication Date
January 2000

How Analyze was Used
“Multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) on interpolated data for A orthogonal, nearest interpolation linear B oblique, and C curved planes (from axial source images; some parts were generated with Analyze-AVW™).”

Diagnostic Imaging
Digestive System Diseases
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted
Radiography, Abdominal
Tomography, Spiral Computed
Tomography, X-Ray Computed (CT)

Author Affiliation(s)
Division of Medical Informatics, Radiology Department, Geneva University Hospitals, 24 rue Micheli-du-Crest, CH-1211, Geneva 14, Switzerland.

ID# 2859

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