Analyze Publications Database

Comparative anatomy of the caudate nucleus in canids and felids: Associations with brain size, curvature, cross-sectional properties, and behavioral ecology

Michael Foster et al. Comparative anatomy of the caudate nucleus in canids and felids: Associations with brain size, curvature, cross-sectional properties, and behavioral ecology Journal of Comparative Neurology.

Publication Date
April 30, 2024

How Analyze was Used
“Following MR image acquisition, the resulting DICOM files were loaded into Analyze software v. 10.0 ( for postprocessing using a traditional volumetric approach.”

Caudate nucleus, Canids, Felids, Brain size, Curvature, Cross-sectional properties, Behavioral ecology

Author Affiliation(s)
Des Moines University, West Des Moines, Iowa, USA

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