Analyze Publications Database

Characterisation of tumour microenvironment remodelling following oncogene inhibition in preclinical studies with imaging mass cytometry

Febe van Maldegem et al. Characterisation of tumour microenvironment remodelling following oncogene inhibition in preclinical studies with imaging mass cytometry Nature Communications.

Publication Date
October 28, 2021

How Analyze was Used
“Lung images were grouped into bins based on the respiratory cycle and images reconstructed using the Quantum GX2 programme with parameters set at Acquisition FOV 36 mm and Recon FOV 25 mm. Estimations of lung tumour volumes were generated by highlighting 3D ROIs in the imaging programme Analyze, version 12.0, from AnalyzeDirect.”

Optical imaging, Cancer microenvironment, Non-small-cell lung cancer

Author Affiliation(s)
The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK

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