Analyze Insights

Welcome to the Analyze Community

drmayoquoteOver the last thirty years, modern 3D medical imaging modalities such as CT, MR, PET and SPECT, have transformed clinical medicine and touched practically every medical discipline. As the availability and application of medical imaging has grown, biomedical research using data from these images has also grown. For many years, the Biomedical Imaging Resource (BIR) at Mayo Clinic has been developing tools for researchers to enable visualization and analysis of medical image datasets, essentially providing the keys for unlocking the information contained within these volume images. The embodiment of the BIR’s work, a research software suite called Analyze, is well known in the biomedical research world.

Initially, Analyze was only available to a few imaging science labs that were in collaboration with the BIR. Eventually, scientists and physicians outside of these collaborations wanted to get access to the software, and this demand eventually led to the formation of AnalyzeDirect. Today, we provide Analyze to thousands of users in hundreds of universities, hospitals and companies around the world. To date, over 2,500 articles have been published in the medical and scientific literature where Analyze has been used to provide visualization and analysis of medical images.

Every day, we get to work with Analyze users who are dedicated to preventing, curing and treating disease, to understanding basic and applied biological processes, or to making the world a better place to live. We are inspired by the big questions our users are trying to answer and the stories they generate with their data. We believe that these stories are worth telling, and this is one of the primary reasons for starting this blog. Whether you are a physician, principle investigator, staff scientist, postdoc or student, we hope you will find something of interest here.

Our blog will feature the work you and your peers are doing with Analyze. Our team of scientist bloggers will write about newly published work and use insights from these papers to educate and support the Analyze user community.

In addition to highlighting new research, other topics will include tips and guidance for using Analyze effectively, disruptive new tools in research, ways to fund your research, ways to advance your career, and issues of interest within the global science community.We invite your ideas and feedback, value your comments and welcome your contributions as guest bloggers.

We begin this journey with you in mind, with the conviction that your work is changing the world. Thank you for what you do, and thank you in advance for being a part of this blog.
