Analyze Insights

IGFR1 Inhibitor, PQIP, Blocks Colon Cancer Cell Line

Many scientists are on a quest to stop colon cancer in its tracks. They are specifically gunning for the usual suspects: Pathways that signal cancer cell survival and that disable cancer-inhibiting programmed cell death, apoptosis. Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and their receptors, including IGF1R, lead the pack in triggering these two deadly cancer mechanisms. These…

Brain Metabolic Changes Associated with Vestibular Migraine

Vestibular migraine is a debilitating combination of migraine headache and dizziness. Patients diagnosed with this condition usually experience common symptoms of migraine, including throbbing headache, light and/or sound sensitivity and nausea, but the most predominant feature is dizziness. Vestibular symptoms are frequently described as rocking, spinning or a feeling of not being on even ground….

Welcome to the Analyze Community

Over the last thirty years, modern 3D medical imaging modalities such as CT, MR, PET and SPECT, have transformed clinical medicine and touched practically every medical discipline. As the availability and application of medical imaging has grown, biomedical research using data from these images has also grown. For many years, the Biomedical Imaging Resource (BIR)…