Analyze Publications Database

Assessment of interobserver concordance in radiomic tools for lung nodule classification, with a focus on BRODERS and SILA

Faysal Al-Ghoula et al. Assessment of interobserver concordance in radiomic tools for lung nodule classification, with a focus on BRODERS and SILA Scientific Reports.

Publication Date
December 8, 2023

How Analyze was Used
“…the nodules of interest underwent manual segmentation using the ANALYZE software developed by the Biomedical Imaging Resource at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. We visually identified the location and size of each nodule. This was followed by the tracing of two-dimensional borders in alignment with the transverse orientation. To initiate the segmentation process, a semi-automated region-growing approach was employed, utilizing an operator-designed bounding cube that encompassed the nodule along with a seed location within the nodule. Subsequently, manual adjustment was undertaken to eliminate interfering structures such as vessels and pleura.”

Cancer screening, Diagnostic markers, Non-small-cell lung cancer

Author Affiliation(s)
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

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