197 articles
Bray GA, Lovejoy JC, Most-Windhauser M, Smith SR, Volaufova J, Denkins Y, de Jonge L, Rood J, Lefevre M, Eldridge AL, Peters JC. A 9-mo randomized clinical trial comparing fat-substituted and fat-reduced diets in healthy obese men: the Ole Study. Am J Clin Nutr. November 2002;76(5):928-934. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date November 2002…
Hockings PD, Roberts T, Galloway GJ, Reid DG, Harris DA, Vidgeon-Hart M, Groot PHE, Suckling KE, Benson GM. Repeated three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of atherosclerosis development in innominate arteries of low-density lipoprotein receptor-knockout mice. Circulation. September 2002;106(13):1716-1721. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date September 2002 How Analyze was Used “Non-fat-suppressed and fat-suppressed images were…
Klein CS, Allman BL, Marsh GD, Rice CL. Muscle size, strength, and bone geometry in the upper limbs of young and old men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. July 2002;57(7):M455-459. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date July 2002 How Analyze was Used “The CSA of the biceps brachii, brachialis, triceps brachii, and…
Tanner C, Schnabel J, Smith AC, Sonoda L, Hill D, Hawkes D, Degenhard A, Hayes C, Leach M, Hose D. The comparison of biomechanical breast models: initial results. Paper presented at: ANSYS Convergence, April 2002; Pittsburgh, PA, US. Full Text – Open Access * *Use Search Resource Library to find the paper Publication Date April 2002…
Tanner C, Degenhard A, Schnabel JA, Castellano-Smith AD, Hayes C, Sonoda LI, Leach MO, Hose D, Hill DL, Hawkes DJ. Comparison of biomechanical breast models: a case study. Paper presented at: Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing, February 2002; San Diego, CA, US. Publication Date February 2002 How Analyze was Used “The axial 3D MR image…
Klein CS, Rice CL, Marsh GD. Normalized force, activation, and coactivation in the arm muscles of young and old men. J Appl Physiol (1985). September 2001;91(3):1341-1349. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date September 2001 How Analyze was Used “The same investigator analyzed the images with a software program (Analyze 7.5 …) and was not…
Graham SJ, Stanchev PL, Lloyd-Smith JO, Bronskill MJ, Plewes DB. Changes in fibroglandular volume and water content of breast tissue during the menstrual cycle observed by MR imaging at 1.5 T. J Magn Reson Imaging. November 1995;5(6):695-701. Publication Date November 1995 How Analyze was Used “An observer identified regions containing the phase offset artifact by…