Analyze Publications Database

Knock-in of the Recurrent R368X Mutation of PRKAR1A that Represses cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase A Activation: A Model of Type 1 Acrodysostosis

Catherine Le Stunff1, Francoise Tilotta2, Jérémy Sadoine2, Dominique Le Denmat2, Claire Briet1, Emmanuelle Motte1, Eric Clauser3, Pierre Bougnères1, Catherine Chaussain2, Caroline Silve1. Knock-in of the Recurrent R368X Mutation of PRKAR1A that Represses cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase A Activation: A Model of Type 1 Acrodysostosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. September 2 2016.

Publication Date
September 2016

How Analyze was Used
“The number of PCNA + cells was counted with the object counter of Analyze Software v. 11.0…Measures of bone mineral density, surface and volume were (also) performed with Analyze software”

Acrodysostosis, PRKAR1A gene, Chondrodysplasia, Renal resistance to PTH

Author Affiliation(s)
1 INSERM U1169, University Paris Sud, Hôpital Bicêtre, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France
2 EA 2496 Laboratory Orofacial Pathologies, Imagery and Biotherapies, Dental School and Life imaging Platform (PIV), University Paris Descartes Sorbonne Paris Cité, Montrouge, France
3 INSERM U970, University Paris Descartes, Paris Centre de Recherche Cardiovasculaire (PARCC), Paris, France

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